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IEA LIVE Monthly Webinar Hosted by IEA Sweden. "Navigating the Levels of Development for Inner Growth."

  • Dato:17.06.2022 09:00 PM
  • Sted Online arrangement


What if we could have an alarm go off when we were heading into trouble? What if there were signposts alerting us to the fact that we were headed towards more rigidity, less freedom, more effort but less reward? 

In fact, there are several such alarms — it’s just that they usually blend in so smoothly with our everyday experiences that we may need to learn how to identify them.

You are invited to join this free, virtual session where Cicci Lyckow Bäckman shares her insights on the levels of balance (aka the Riso-Hudson Levels of Development) with podcaster Rezzan Huseyin as her partner in exploration. “The Levels of Development” are not only useful in describing the types — they can also be a tool for growth if we allow them to guide our inner work.

In this live event, Rezzan talks with Cicci about how to let the levels guide our inner work, how they can help us balance our centres of intelligence, and how truly understanding our type fixations can actually be a game-changer.

See here for more:

 Cicci Lyckow Bäckman

Rezzan Huseyin