Hør Dr. Khaled ElSherbini`s foredrag: The Inner and Outer Path of the Types “The ego searches without for that which it can only find within”
Dr. Khaled ElSherbini, grunnlegger av Enneagram Egypt og Consciousness Academy, blir med oss digitalt den første timen, før årsmøtet starter med dette foredraget: The Inner and Outer Path of the Types “The ego searches without for that which it can only find within” With the Essence calling on the Self to come back home, the self embarks on an existential journey seeking its primordial resting place. Falling from a place of union into an illusion of separation, the self searches outside for that which it cannot find. And ironically, the harder it strives the deeper it falls and the more it suffers. As it awakens, the self realizes that what it is searching for can only be found within. Shifting inwards, the journey to wholeness brings a realization of the existential meaning of Being, and with it the immutable forms of its archetypal patterns. This session presents the existential journey of the 9 types as described in our comprehensive model “Stages of the Heart”, showing the fall into fixation and separation, and the way back to wholeness and individuation. Micro Bio Dr. ElSherbini, a transpersonal psychologist and former aerospace scientist, is one of the leading international Enneagram teachers today. He is the visionary founder of the largest IEA accredited school in the Middle East and North Africa, “The Consciousness Academy”, and the creator of 3 comprehensive year-long accredited programs. Dr. ElSherbini dedicates his expertise to the realms of consciousness, personal development, and psycho-spiritual transformation. He presents frequently in Enneagram and Integral conferences, always to great acclaim. Arrangementet er gratis for medlemmer av Enneagramforeningen, og foregår på Zoom. Årsmøtet starter etter foredraget. Vi går gjennom årsberetningen for 2024 og det skal gjennomføres valg. Klikk her for: Årsberetning 2024 |